Extended Intranet Services

Online Tools - Improving Business Efficiency

Web based collaborative tools and shared data can hugely improve business efficiency and enhance customer experience. We have worked with many organisations (large & small, private sector, public sector & academia) to provide employee, contractor and customer online access to tools and shared data.

Get Rid of Those Spreadsheets & Stop using Email...

By providing web based data, calculations, feature-rich dashboards, tailored data views, person centred actions/job priorities, and more - teams can now work online in a collaborative, real time way to deliver tasks and communicate. Data can be automatically and dynamically fed, it can be employee entered, uploaded from a business system or existing spreadsheet or customer/contractor entered.

If we couple this data with useful functions (such as searchable, filterable data tables, diary entries for appointments, auto emailing to external partners or clients, triggered notifications and follow ups), then your intranet stops being a dumping ground for old files and rapidly becomes your tool of choice.

Many of our clients also use our tools for simple tasks such as keeping branding assets (logos and visual standards, etc) in one place, storing and accessing company files and images or just as a really useful company-wide address book!

For more information please get in touch or check out our blog.